सोमवार, 5 दिसंबर 2022

Israel Agriculture Technology

Israeli farming techniques:

-How is farming done in Israel?

-Information related to Israeli farming 


Everyone in the whole world can get full stomach food and keeping the grains grown in the fields safe is a big problem. Every year in India itself, due to lack of proper maintenance, grains worth billions of rupees get wasted. Sometimes the crop dries up due to drought, and sometimes floods and inundation destroy the crop. 

Due to the ever-

increasing population, the demand for food is also increasing. In such a situation, it becomes even more important to protect the fields and crops. Along with India, other countries are also struggling with this problem. Israel, the country of young farmers, not only solved many problems related to agriculture, but also presented an example of making agriculture a profitable deal in front of the world. 60% of Israel's land area is desert, and there is a lot of water shortage in this country.  

Despite this, the country of Israel remains self-sufficient in terms of its people and food security. Apart from being self-sufficient, this country also exports fruits and vegetables in large quantities. The biggest contribution to Israel's success in the agriculture sector is the farmers, agricultural scientists, education policy, government and private companies. Today in this article you are going to tell about how farming is done in Israel and about the techniques of Israeli farming.

How to do farming in Israel(Israel Farming): 

For farming in Israel, advanced techniques are adopted from crop sowing to irrigation and yield. The advanced techniques used for cultivation are as follows:-

-Use of improved varieties of seeds.
-Irrigation method.
-Special attention is paid to the packaging, storage, marketing of the crop.
-Use of organic manure seeds.
Finding soil and crop 
-deficiencies and meeting the requirements.

Israel Agriculture Technology

Drip Irrigation:

This type of modern technology has not yet been discovered. But this practice is already in operation in the country of Israel. This method was started by the Water Engineering Simcha Blass of the country of Israel. Simcha discovers how to increase crop production efficiency by slowing and balancing drip In this method, such a tube was made, so that water falls in less quantity and proves to be more effective. Working on this method, he established the related farm. Drip irrigation used by Israel is now being used in other countries as well.

creation of granary(Food Fund Creation)

Israel has prepared such a grain fund in its country, in which farmers can keep their crops fresh and safe for a long time even after spending less. The bag has been created by Professor Shlomo Navarro, International Food Technology Consultant. This bag can be safe in both water and air. This bag is being widely used all over Africa and many rich countries. Pakistan has also tied up with Israel for this bag.After crop production, almost half of the crop gets spoiled due to fungus and insects. In such a situation, these bags are proving to be very effective in terms of security. Whether it is dampness or scorching heat, the crop kept in this bag does not have any effect.

Biological Pest Control:

Israel's Bio-B company has developed an insecticide that attacks enemy insects and protects friendly insects. Insects stay away by spraying this medicine, but there is no harm to flies and beetles. The company uses bumblebees for pollination. It does not affect the pollination process. According to the company's manager Dr. Shimon, his company is a major company in the case of such insecticides.This drug is being sprayed on 60 percent of the strawberry crop grown in the country of California since 1990. Its use has seen 75% increase in yield. Bio Bee's medicine and beeswax are used in about 32 countries of the world. It also includes countries like Japan and Chile.

Software Help Farmers:

One such software has been developed by Agriculture Knowledge Online (AKOL). In which all the problems of the farmers will be solved. Through this software developed by IBM, a farmer sitting anywhere in the world can take advice related to agriculture from Israel experts. Through this software, farmers will be able to sell their crops as well as hold group discussions.The company's CEO Ron Shani says that this software will help farmers in every way from sowing their crops to harvesting and selling crops, and will also give modern knowledge to the farmers.

Air Water Droplets:

To maintain the availability of water, Israel has manufactured plastic trays, through which dew drops can be collected even from the air. This tray made of jagged shape is prepared by recycling plastic. It is planted close to trees with UV filters and limestone. After which this tray absorbs the dew drops at night, and those drops are carried to the roots of the trees through the tray.The tray's creator, Avraham Tamir, says that the tray also protects plants from harsh sunlight. This method fulfills 50% of the water requirement.

Organic Farming Promotion Scheme:

Crop Protection Method

The technical team of the Hebrew University, together with the large crop protection company Mechtesheim Egan, discovered an insecticide for commercialization that protects crops from harmful insects, and does not allow beneficial insects to be harmed. The market of insecticides is a vast market of about Rs.1500 crores. Most of the pesticides are mixed in the soil, but Israel has prepared such a pesticide,Which kills harmful insects very slowly, which does not affect the fertility of the soil. Give as much dose to the plants as they need.

Rearing in the Desert:

Overfishing is a concern for food security, especially at a time when fish is the main source of protein for most people. Israel was also going through the problem of fish, but now this country has found a solution to the fish problem, and now fish is available everywhere in Israel. The advanced technology of GFA (Grow Fish Anywhere) has made this possible. Israel's zero discharge technology has solved the problem of electricity and weather in fish farming.In this technique, such a tank is prepared, on which the effect of such a problem is not seen. This technique is being used in large numbers in America.

-Agriculture information in the country of Israel (Israel Country Agriculture Information)

-Irrigation is available only in 20% of the total land of the country of Israel. Despite this, this country is included in the list of 10 major crop producing countries of the world.

-In terms of technology, the country of Israel leaves behind China and America and uses very developed and correct agricultural machinery.

-Only agriculture is researched in 5 universities of the country of Israel. A large number of students from abroad also come to take training in the Agricultural Research Institutes of Israel.



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